- Silent Reading-10 minutes
- Open your Google Docs to your "JOURNAL ENTRIES"
- RESPOND TO THIS: What would you do if you could travel free anyplace in the world? Where would you go? What would you want to see and do?
- MOBY TIME---Language Time---We are working to get K-3 Skills filled in by the end of the week! Our goal is to have 100% of those 3rd grade levels at 100% by Friday! You will need to look at your progress totals before you start--and after you work for a bit---can you see personal improvement? Mrs. Bearden will be meeting with all of you on your progress this week!
- Pair up with the person who evaluated your presentation. Discuss changes and improvements to your presentations. Switch places --
- Any Remaining time you have --Please use it to work on your "ALL ABOUT ME" Project---These presentations need to be polished writing and ready to present on Wednesday!
- If you have 100% of your MOBY Skills K-2 completed and your presentation is DONE---Make a practice run at presenting it to a friend! You may also work on something for another class!
Language Arts
September 21, 2020