Language Arts

Language Arts

April 9, 2021

  1. Open your  Journal Entries
  2. Type today's Date
  3. Respond to this: Tell me about your personal goals for this last 9 weeks of your 7th Grade year!  Be specific about things you want to improve and change, as well as things you have learned to do well over the course of this year!
  4. MOBY TIME---You have a "Test" set today over the Types of Sentences you have been working on today---do your best---let's see how you do!
  5. Share your Tale with someone---read it out loud to them---and have them do the same!---Share thoughts and give ideas if they need to make some changes----can you identify the "Lesson" to be learned from their tale?  Offer suggestions if needed!
  6. FINISH YOUR ROUGH DRAFT FOR YOUR TALE!  It must be typed and ready to go for next week!