Language Arts

Language Arts

September 21, 2020

  1. Silent Reading-10 minutes
  2. Open your Google Docs to your "JOURNAL ENTRIES" 
  4. RESPOND TO THIS:  What would you do if you could travel free anyplace in the world? Where would you go? What would you want to see and do?
  5. MOBY TIME---Language Time---We are working to get K-3 Skills filled in by the end of the week!  Our goal is to have 100% of those 3rd  grade levels at 100% by  Friday!  You will need to look at your progress totals before you start--and after you work for a bit---can you see personal improvement?  Mrs. Bearden will be meeting with all of you on your progress this week!
  6. Pair up with the person who evaluated your presentation.  Discuss changes and improvements to your presentations.  Switch places --
  7. Any Remaining time you have --Please use it to work on your "ALL ABOUT ME" Project---These presentations need to be polished writing and ready to present on Wednesday!
  8. If you have 100% of your MOBY Skills K-2 completed and your presentation is DONE---Make a practice run at presenting it to a friend!  You may also work on something for another class!