Language Arts

Language Arts

February 4 & 5, 2021


  1. Open your January Vocab Document--Add "reinforce" --define and add a picture
  2. Make sure your name is typed at the top of this document
  3. Print and Turn in today!
  4. Open your Journal
  5. Type Today's date
  6. Respond to this:  Tell me about the best and worst parts about this week.
  7. Print and Turn in today! (Make sure you have your MLA format for your name and general information in the upper left corner before printing!)
  8. Read your TIQA paragraph one last time.  Is it indented?  Did you use Times New Roman, Size 12 font?  Is it double spaced? Does it read smoothly and make sense?  Did you remove any "personal pronouns"?   Are you ready to print your final draft? Print and Turn in today!
  9. MOBY--  New test has been assigned to you today!  Take your time, do your best!  (Look for the Orange Test Icon in the bottom row!)