Language Arts

Language Arts

March 1, 2021

Monday & Tuesday
  1. Silent Reading--
  2. Open your Google Docs to your "JOURNAL ENTRIES" 
  4. RESPOND TO THIS:  If you could participate in a scientific study, and do something simple that would promise to make you "smart" or "smarter" than you currently are,  would you be willing to participate and why would it interest you or possibly not interest you?  
  5. Open your Vocab Document, add the word, CLOUT----  complete it by adding a definition and picture.  (Check with others in class on how many entries we have for this document so far!)
  6.  You need to write a draft and have your packet completed today.Type your "conclusion" paragraph for your Essay. (You should have 5 complete paragraphs typed today)!
  7. MOBY Time: 10 Minutes today!