- Silent Reading--
- Open your Journal
- Type today's date
- Respond to this: Write about something you desperately wanted when you were younger.
- Review Your Journal Entries -- all your entries through today!
- Using MLA format, please add your name and information needed in the upper left corner of your Journal.
- Do you have 2 complete sentences for each entry.--Please read them all! Do they make sense? (If you are willing--trade places with someone and have them do this for you and you return the favor for their entries!)
- Are all your "I"'s capitalized? (FIX THEM!!)
- Did you begin any of your sentences with "BECAUSE"---if so, place a comma in front of the word because and make the "B" a small "b"! NOW --do you still have 2 sentences? (IF NOT --ADD ANOTHER)!!!
- Do you have words like and, but, so, yet, in any of your entries? Do they have a comma in front of them? ---(FIX THEM)!!
- Check with someone else--do you have the same number of Journal Entries? Did you miss one? NOW IS THE TIME TO ENTER IT AND GET CREDIT FOR IT!!
- Partner up with a friend to make one last look at your paper. Talk about edits you have made to it already or help them make changes that still need to be made.
- Use today to get anything missing or needing to be completed---today is your "CATCH UP DAY"
Language Arts
March 5, 2021